Door Hangers & Door Hanger Bags
Door Hangers & Door Bags for High Impact Door-to-Door Advertising

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Who Benefits from Door Hangers and Custom Printed Products?
Do you own a business that provides service specific to your local area?  Are you looking for a better way to expand your customer base and to reach out to people who need your services but may not be aware of your company and what you provide? 


Target Your Ideal Clients with Cheap Door Hangers
As a business owner, finding the best way to target your primary customer demographic is essential.  Web-based advertising can be a great marketing tool, but it is admittedly limited in scope when it comes to local businesses


Tips for Creating Effective Door Hangers
Advertising to local customers who need your products or services is a very critical step for most locally owned and operated businesses.  While global companies work best through web advertisements and putting up billboards in large cities, a business looking to provide service for customers within a certain range needs to be certain that the people who could benefit from their services are receiving their message.  


Three Reasons Not to Overlook Doorhangers and Print Advertisements
Whether you are a landscaper, an insurance company, a plumber, or a local group or organization, making sure that you are targeting the people who are most likely to need or want what you have to offer is essential.  In today’s world, a great deal of attention is being placed on web advertising and website design. 


Getting the Most Out of Your Door Hangers
Neighborhood marketing has always been important for local businesses, but in a world where Internet companies compete for the sales of products and the economy makes people a little more hesitant to spend money on services that aren’t immediately necessary, it is definitely on you as a business owner to ensure that you are doing what you can to stay both competitive and relevant.




Who Benefits from Door Hangers and Custom Printed Products?        Back to top

Do you own a business that provides service specific to your local area? Are you looking for a better way to expand your customer base and to reach out to people who need your services but may not be aware of your company and what you provide?
If any of these things apply to you, making use of cheap door hangers to get your company name, services, and contact information into the hands of the people who need it is definitely an advertising strategy that you need to pay attention to.
With custom printed products such as paper sheets and flyers that can be placed on vehicles and door hangers that can be offered at local homes or businesses, you gain the ability to offer your services specifically to those who need them in a manner that they will notice without finding intrusive. A simple door hanger is incredibly inexpensive to print, yet it offers a convenient marketing tool. When you want something more than a newspaper ad that few people will pay attention to, printed advertisements are the right choice for you.
But who really benefits from things such as doorhangers? In short, everyone involved. You will find that virtually any local business can improve sales and customer relations with the use of cheap door hangers. By printing your contact info, promotional info, or even a coupon and placing it on the doors of people who could benefit from your services, you make it clear to prospective customers that there is a business equipped to meet their needs while also benefitting yourself through improved brand recognition and a widened base of customers.

In terms of the types of companies who can benefit from custom door hangers, carbonless forms, and other custom print advertisements and business tools, the sky is still the limit. If you sell insurance for renters, placing your advertisements on the doors of local apartments can be great, while a motorcycle repair shop could easily use door hangers to target local bike owners. If you provide outdoor residential services or work as a plumber or electrician, you will find that door hangers are excellent when placed on the doors of area homeowners and that offering printed advertisements to people in the process of building a new home can offer an excellent way to be the first to welcome someone to the area and offer a hand with the services that they need.



Target Your Ideal Clients with Cheap Door Hangers        Back to top

As a business owner, finding the best way to target your primary customer demographic is essential. Web-based advertising can be a great marketing tool, but it is admittedly limited in scope when it comes to local businesses.

If you own a business that provides goods and services locally, you want to be certain that the customers you are trying to reach are aware of your company and that they know exactly what you provide that could be of benefit to them. That is where targeted print advertisements such as cheap door hangers come into play.

With door hangers, you will find that you can print your advertisement for little more than you would pay for business cards. Door hangers are a great complement to advertisements such as full color posters and flyers, and you will find that they allow you to be even more selective in targeting your audience. For example, if your primary business is tree trimming, you could leave your doorhangers only on the doors of consumers who have large trees in their yard or who have trees that have dead and overgrown branches and who might need your service. It can actually save you a great deal of money versus strategies that also target people who would have no need for your service while letting your prospective customers know that you understand their needs.

For many companies, the need to target individual consumers is important. While large international companies that sell everyday products and goods can usually fare well by creating a keyword driven website, local customers are most likely to turn to the yellow pages or to ask their friends for references if they do not know where to go for a specific service. By placing a targeted advertisement on the door to their business or residence, you make it clear that you are in the area and that you offer the specific service that they need.

The variety of businesses that can make use of cheap door hangers is
practically unlimited. Landscapers, roofers,photographers, fencing companies, and even local organizations looking to hold a special event or seasonal services such as small sailing charters  or water equpment rentals will  sure find that targeted advertising tends to create a personal relationship with consumers and that it can do much to increase sales and volume. Custom printed products are an affordable, effective means of advertising and in an economy where it is critical to stay a step ahead of your competitors, gaining an edge in the market without spending a fortune on your advertising costs is certainly welcome!

The bottom line is that door hangers, full color copies and flyers, and other custom printed products are among the best advertising tools available to local businesses. While print media such as newspapers may be losing readership and ads in these sources may provide fewer results for your money, you will find that targeted printed products are always a great way to connect. Whether you are looking for blank unprinted products that can be imprinted with your own images and info or custom printing companies that will make sure your door hangers are ready to be used, there is certainly much benefit in taking the time to print targeted advertisements.



Tips for Creating Effective Door Hangers        Back to top

Advertising to local customers who need your products or services is a very critical step for most locally owned and operated businesses. While global companies work best through web advertisements and putting up billboards in large cities, a business looking to provide service for customers within a certain range needs to be certain that the people who could benefit from their services are receiving their message.

For businesses like this, targeted advertisements such as door hangers have definite appeal. They are incredibly affordable to design and print, yet the return on investment can be significant. In order to see a solid return, however, you have to have a door hanger that appeals to your customers. Here, we will examine a few tips that will make doorhangers, paper sheets and flyers, and other custom printed products more effective for your company.

#1 Offer the Customer a Solution

In this economy, many people are looking to save money on things that they do not need. This means that your door hanger should point out a problem and offer a solution. It does not have to be a long message, but it should be a clear one. Things such as "Are Your Belongings Insured? Call Us for the Best Rates and Coverage" or "Tired of Slow Drains? Let Our Plumbers Clear Them Up!" bring a homeowners attention to a problem that they may have and then offer a clear solution.

#2 Offer an Incentive

No matter what your business may be, the chances are good that you are not the only person that offers your service. This means that you need to stand out. A larger font, brighter colors, or an image can be a great tool, but in this economy, a coupon or promotion can be just as important. Offer a tear-off coupon or say something like "Bring in This Ad for a Free Consultation". Offer a negligible discount or promotional item to encourage a customer to give your business a call.

#3 Offer Contact Information

When you use door hangers and printed advertisements, you want your customers to be able to call you and select your services. Avoid phrases like "Look Us Up in the Yellow Pages". Offer customers your address, phone number, and website and make it easy for them to access your services. Better still, keep your contact info and logo in the same pattern that you use on your business cards and other advertisements in order to make your products easily recognizable and to help build brand recognition for your customers.

With a great design, you can improve the return on your door hanger investment considerably. Printing and color copies, envelopes, door hanger bags, and other items should all be reinforced with your company logo and contact information, and your doorhangers should serve to make it clear and simple to your customers why they should contact you. There is much to be gained from selecting a printing company that can meet all of your needs, and with the right design and printing service, you will find that you can do much to improve your business without having to overstretch your budget.




Three Reasons Not to Overlook Doorhangers and Print Advertisements        Back to top

Do you own a business that provides locally based services? Whether you are a landscaper, an insurance company, a plumber, or a local group or organization, making sure that you are targeting the people who are most likely to need or want what you have to offer is essential and a great deal of attention is being placed on web advertising and website design.

While this can certainly be effective, it is important that you do not overlook the benefits of using targeted print advertising such as full color posters, paper sheets and flyers, and door hangers. Here, we will look specifically at door hangers and why no business owner should overlook them as a marketing tool.

#1 They Are Incredibly Affordable

Much like business cards, you will find that printing door hangers is quite cost effective. Even if you add in things such as door hanger bags and other custom printed products, you will discover that the cost per customer is quite low, while the return on investment is often rather significant. For many businesses, turning even one to two advertising targets into customers will more than cover the cost of advertising.

#2 They Can Be Easily Customized

When you create an ad in a local newspaper, you typically have very little space to work with. By creating cheap door hangers, you can easily insert the information that will speak directly to your target customers. You can offer a coupon that can be easily torn away, and you can provide local or even neighborhood specific information that the customer will want to keep not only for contacting your business, but so they can recommend your business to others who can use your services.

#3 They Make Things Personal

With websites and news ads, the conversation is rather one-sided. The customer sees what you have written and nothing more. When you are putting doorhangers on homes and businesses, however, the chances are good that you will get the chance to interact with potential customers. Personal interaction and connections certainly make customers more inclined to want to work with you, while door hangers are unobstrusive enough that customers will stop and read them without feeling the way they do when they receive SPAM emails.

In short, door hangers and other custom printed products such as full color posters are a great way to reach your target consumers in a way that will appeal to them. A personal connection is something many people expect from a service provider, and these products offer a simple way to achieve it. Unlike a newspaper ad, which may get overlooked, door hangers also offer the benefit of being seen, picked up, and read as the consumer unlocks and opens their door, making them impossible to ignore without making them intrusive. The right advertising strategy can make or break your business, and door hangers simply offer too much potential return on investment to be overlooked by local business owners.




Getting the Most Out of Your Door Hangers        Back to top

Neighborhood marketing has always been important for local businesses, but in a world where Internet companies compete for the sales of products and the economy makes people a little more hesitant to spend money on services that aren’t immediately necessary, it is definitely on you as a business owner to ensure that you are doing what you can to stay both competitive and relevant.

Printed advertisements such as full color copies and flyers are fantastic advertising tools, and you want to be certain that you don’t overlook the more direct and targeted advertising that you can find with quality door hangers.

Whether your targeted customers are hotel owners, hotel guests, businesses, or homeowners, you will find that door hangers are an affordable and effective way to grab attention and increase your brand recognition and customer base. Whether you want something simple, such as black and white hangers printed on card sheets or are looking to create elaborate packages that include door hanger bags, cheap door hangers, and carbonless forms that your customers can use to make an order, you will find that the right printing service can easily create products that are tailored to your needs. Before you make an order, however, let’s take a look at a few things that will help you get the most benefit from your door hangers.

First and foremost, you will want to put a lot of attention into every element of your design. Bold colors are definitely a great addition, whether you are using brightly colored paper that will contrast with the door itself or simply putting a bold but easily readable ink color on a traditional piece of white card stock. You want to make your logo and contact information highly visible and easy to read so that customers start to recognize your brand, and implementing an appealing image related to your business can help customers associate your brand with high quality.

Design isn’t the only thing to consider, though. You will also want to make sure that your doorhangers compel prospective customers to contact your company. Offering a coupon or promotion is highly recommended, as is strong sales language that appeals to the customer as an individual. Make sure that you evoke the feeling that the customer should call right away for the best deals, pricing, or service, and provide a call to action that lets the customer know that your service can fill an important need or solve an important problem. For example, instead of saying that your company mows lawns, explain that customer can get rid of unwanted growth and weeds. Don’t sell insurance; protect customers against the financial turmoil of theft, floods, or other problems. Make it clear that your company offers solutions to problems that the targeted customers do or could face.

Getting the most out of your door hangers doesn’t have to mean spending a fortune. Whether you own a small start-up business or a major company, you will find that choosing a printing company that provides quality services and that uses high quality card sheets, door hanger bags, envelopes, bindery & ink without charging inflated prices can offer a fantastic return on investment. Targeted advertising is still the best strategy for local businesses, and door hangers offer the chance to target and interact with local people who fit perfectly into your customer demographics.

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