Door Hangers - Blank and Printed
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Door Hangers Home || Printed Door Hangers || Blank Door Hangers
Door Hanger Bags

blank door hangers blank doorhangers printed door hangers printed
A Division of SOS Products of Destin FL

Call us with your order toll free at
  (M-F 8am-5pm Central Time)


Standard Ink Color Chart for Printed Door Hangers

----------INK COLORS---------- ----------INK COLORS----------
Pantone Yellow - PMS 012 Turquoise - PMS 320
Medium Yellow - PMS 116 Pantone Green
Medium Orange PMS 151 Irish Green - PMS 347
Autumn Orange - PMS 165 Sunlight Green - PMS 354
Pantone Red - PMS 032 Christmas Green - PMS 356
Pantone Warm Red Gray - PMS 429
Medium Red - PMS 185 Smoky Gray - PMS 424
Flag Red - PMS 199 Medium Brown - PMS 471
Pantone Rubine Dark Brown - PMS 4635
Burgundy - PMS 201 Rogue Brown - PMS 168
Rocky Red - PMS 208 Pantone Reflex Blue
Pantone Rhodamine Night Sky Blue - PMS 541
Pantone Purple Pantone Process Blue
Pantone Violet Medium Blue - PMS 300
Pantone Blue - PMS 072 Executive Blue - PMS 286

PMS Colors not listed are $45.00 extra per order.

Door Hangers Home || Printed Door Hangers || Blank Door Hangers
Door Hanger Bags

blank door hangers blank doorhangers printed door hangers printed
A Division of SOS Products of Destin FL

Call us with your order toll free at
  (M-F 8am-5pm Central Time)
